Healing Cure


Sunday - 9:15AM Prayer, 10AM Worship Service

by: Kenneth Gaines



Jeremiah 33:6; Jeremiah 30:17a; Matthew 15:26

  1. The chastisement of out peace was upon Him. God punished Jesus so that you and I would not be punished by sickness, disease and life itself. Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-5, Galatians 3:13-14

    a.  In the Old Testament God did punish His people for     rebelling against Him. Number 21:5-9 

    The Edomites would not let the Israelites pass through their land, so they had to backtrack and take a longer way to their destination. Then they doubted the promise God gave Abram that the promise land was their inheritance. Gen 12:1-5
  2. Due to their murmuring and unbelief against God and Moses, the serpents bit the people.

    a. God told Moses put a serpetn on a wooden pole and all that gazed upon it would be healed.
    b. Bronze represented judgement John3:14, John12:32, and the wooden pole represented the cross. Jesus took our curse.
  3. Plow in hop 1Cor 9:10; Ps4:22; Ps 107:20; Matt 8:10
    a. The truth you know will set you free, John 8:32
    b. His will is His Word, 1John 5:14-15
    c. This is our supreme example, John 14:9
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Jeremiah 33:6; Jeremiah 30:17a; Matthew 15:26

  1. The chastisement of out peace was upon Him. God punished Jesus so that you and I would not be punished by sickness, disease and life itself. Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-5, Galatians 3:13-14

    a.  In the Old Testament God did punish His people for     rebelling against Him. Number 21:5-9 

    The Edomites would not let the Israelites pass through their land, so they had to backtrack and take a longer way to their destination. Then they doubted the promise God gave Abram that the promise land was their inheritance. Gen 12:1-5
  2. Due to their murmuring and unbelief against God and Moses, the serpents bit the people.

    a. God told Moses put a serpetn on a wooden pole and all that gazed upon it would be healed.
    b. Bronze represented judgement John3:14, John12:32, and the wooden pole represented the cross. Jesus took our curse.
  3. Plow in hop 1Cor 9:10; Ps4:22; Ps 107:20; Matt 8:10
    a. The truth you know will set you free, John 8:32
    b. His will is His Word, 1John 5:14-15
    c. This is our supreme example, John 14:9
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